By Lucía Arguis, (1st ESO)
This is the story that a mum squirrel told her children. That story is like this:
Once upon a time, there was a little brown mouse. He was very hungry. Far away, he saw a big and beautiful nut tree. He was so hungry and the nut tree was so tasty that the mouse decided to go to take and eat those nuts. The mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood. A fox saw the mouse, and the mouse looked good. «Where are you going, little brown mouse? come to have lunch in my underground house», asked the fox. «Is frightfully nice of you, fox, but no. I´m going to have lunch with a Gruffalo» answered the mouse. «A Gruffalo? What’s a Gruffalo?» said the fox. «A Gruffalo, why didn’t you know?» said the mouse. «He has terrible tusks and terrible claws and terrible teeth on his terrible jaws» described the mouse. «And where are you meeting him?» asked the fox.»Here, by these rocks and his favorite food is roasted fox» lied the mouse. «Roasted fox!, I´m off, goodbye little mouse» And away the fox ran to his underground house.»Silly old fox, doesn´t he know, there is no such thing as a Gruffalo!» said the mouse.
On went the mouse through the deep dark wood. An owl saw the mouse, and the mouse looked good.»Where are you going, little brown mouse? Come and have tea in my treetop house» asked the owl. «Is terribly nice of you, owl, but no. I´m going to have tea with a Gruffalo» said the mouse.»A Gruffalo?, what´s a Gruffalo?» asked the owl.»A Gruffalo, why didn’t you know?» said the mouse»He has knobbly knees and turned out toes and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose» described the mouse. «And where are you meeting him?» asked the owl again «Here, by this stream and his favorite food is owl ice cream» said the mouse «Owl ice cream! Oh dear, goodbye little mouse» and away he flew to his treetop house. «Silly old owl, doesn’t he know, there is no such thing as a Gruffalo!» said the mouse.
On went the mouse through the deep dark wood. A snake saw the mouse, and the mouse looked good «Where are you going little brown mouse? come and have a feast in my log pile house» asked the snake. «Is wonderfully nice of you snake, but no. I´m going to have a feast with a Gruffalo» answered the mouse. «A Gruffalo?, what’s a Gruffalo?» asked the snake again. «A Gruffalo?, why didn’t you know?» said the mouse. «His eyes are orange, his tongue is black and he has purple prickles all over his back» described the mouse «And where are you meeting him?» asked the snake. «Here by this lake and his favorite food is scrambled snake» said the mouse «Scrambled snake! It’s time, I hid, goodbye little mouse and away he slid to his log pile house.»Silly old snake, doesn’t he know, there is no such thing as a Gruffalo!» said the mouse.
Little by little, the mouse was shortening the way with the nut tree and him. He was very happy and he was whistling. He has not realised that the trees around him where fell down, like with a lot of strong. He was on front of the nut tree. A shadow covered the mouse and he said «Who is this creature with terrible tusks and terrible claws with terrible teeth on his terrible jaws, he has knobbly knees and turned out toes and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose, his eyes asr orange, his tongue is black and he has purple prickles all over his back. Oh no, oh help, is a Gruffalo!» said the mouse «Mmm, my favorite food. You will taste good on … a slice of bread» the Gruffalo said. «Good? don´t call me good, I´m the scariest creature in all this wood. Just walk behind me and you will see, everyone is afraid of me» said the mouse.»All right. You go ahead and I´ll follow after» said the Gruffalo. They walked some more until the Gruffalo said «I hear a hiss on the leaves ahead» «Oh that’s snake. Why snake, hello!» said the mouse. Snake took one look at the Gruffalo. » Glups! goodbye little mouse» and away he slid to his log pile house. «You see, I told you so» said the mouse. «Amazing» the Gruffalo said. They walked some more until the Gruffalo said «I hear a hoot on the trees ahead» «That´s owl. Why owl, hello!» said the mouse. Owl took one look at the Gruffalo. «Oh dear, goodbye little mouse!» and off he flew to his treetop house. «You see, I told you so» said the mouse «Outstanding» said the mouse. They walked some more until the Gruffalo said «I hear some feet on the path ahead» «Oh, that’s fox. Why fox, hello!» greeted the mouse. The fox took one look at the Gruffalo. «Oh my, goodbye little mouse!» and away he ran to his underground house. «Well Gruffalo, you see, everyone is afraid of me. But now my tummy is beginning to rumble and my favorite food is… Gruffalo crumbled!» the mouse exclaimed. «Gruffalo crumble!» repeated the Gruffalo. As fast as the wind he turned and fled.
It was quiet in the deep dark wood, a mouse found a nut, and the nut was good.
THEME: Don´t judge a book by its cover
BY EO (1st ESO)
On a winter morning, in a deep dark wood, a mom squirrel tells her children the fascinating story of
«The little mouse and his half lies»:
Once upon a time, on a sunny afternoon of spring, a mouse sees a big tree with a million of nuts, he
instantly wants to eat all the nuts and start to walk to the mountain of the tree.
He is strolling but a fox approaches. The fox sees the mouse and the mouse looks good, the fox asks,
«Hello little mouse, do you want to have a break in my underground house?» And the smart mouse
says, «No thanks, i´m going to have a snack with the gruffalo». The silly old fox asks, «A gruffalo? What
is a gruffalo?». The mouse says,»Why, you don’t know? He has terrible claws, terrible teeth in his
terrible jaws, and his favorite food is roasted fox».The fox, scary, runs away.
The mouse follows his way saying,» Oh silly old fox, Doesn’t he know? There’s no such thing as a
gruffalo» And the mouse follows his way, but an owl approaches. The owl sees the mouse and the
mouse looks good. The owl asks,»Hey little brown mouse! Do you want to have tea in my treetop
house?. The mouse answers,»No, thanks, i´m going to have tea with the gruffalo!». The owl says,» A
gruffalo? What is a gruffalo?. The mouse says,»Why?, you don’t know? He had knobbly knees, turned
out toes, he had a poisonous wart in the end of his nose and his favorite food is owl ice cream». The
owl scary flies away.
The mouse follows his way saying,» Oh silly old owl, doesn’t he know? There is no such thing as a
gruffalo!». But a snake approaches. The snake sees the mouse and the mouse looks good, and says,»
Hi little brown mouse! Do you want to have a party in my log pile house?». The mouse says,»No thanks,
I’m going to have a party with a gruffalo!». The silly snake says,»A gruffalo? What is a gruffalo?», The
mouse says,»Why? You don’t know? He has a black tongue, orange eyes,purple pickles all over his
back and his favorite food is crumble snake». The snake terrifier, slides away.
The mouse, happy, says,»Oh silly old snake! Doesn’t he know? There is no such thing as a gruffalo».
The mouse follows his way but he hears a sound behind him and he turns around and sees an animal
with terrible claws, terrible knees in his terrible jaws, he had knobbly knees,turned out toes, a poison
wort at the end of his nose. He has black tongue, orange eyes and purple pickles on all his back, «It’s
the gruffalo» Says the mouse, the gruffalo says,»You look good in a slide of bread». But the mouse asks
the gruffalo,»Do you know? All the wood is scared of me». The gruffalo laughs and says,» All the wood?
Scared of you? JaJaJa». The mouse, angry, says, «If you don’t trust me, follow me, and you will see it».
The gruffalo says yes and follows the mouse.
First they meet the snake, the snake takes a look at the gruffalo and says,»Oh, oh bye bye little
mouse» The gruffalo, surprised,says,» Oh , maybe is real». The mouse, happy, says,»Now you see?».
And follow his way. Later they meet the owl and the mouse says,»Oh hi owl, how are you?». The owl
takes a look at the gruffalo and asks,»Oh good bye mouse».The mouse turns around and says,»Now,
you believe me?». The gruffalo says,» Oh maybe it’s a coincidence». The mouse follows his way, They
finally meet the fox, the fox takes a look at the gruffalo and says, «Oh, Bye little mouse».The mouse
laughs and says,» Now, you finally believe me?». Scared, the gruffalo says,»Yes yes, I believe you bye
bye little brown mouse».
The mouse finally can eat the nuts in peace.
By Ziqui Ángela Xie, (1st ESO)
The Hungry Mouse , (The Gruffalo Story)
On a winter morning, a mom squirrel tells her children a fascinating story.
Once upon a time, with a high sun in the morning, in Spring, a hungry little mouse is walking in the dark wood trying to find something to eat, far away he sees a tree, with a lot of nuts, and he knows that he needs to cross the forest.
While he’s walking, a fox smells it and he looks delicious, the fox invites the mouse to his underground house, he knows that if he enters to his house he’ll be in his stomach. The mouse invents a creature called “Gruffalo” and he’s going to have lunch with him, the fox says, “What’s a Gruffalo?” and the mouse say that he has “terrible tusk, terrible claws, terrible teeth and terrible jaws” the fox gets scared and he hides in his underground house.
He continues walking, he needs to go past a stream by a trunk, an owl sees him and he looks delicious, the owl says if he wants to go to his treetop house to have som tea, he thinks it but the trunk starts moving but, he doesn’t fall of the trunk, he get scared because there’s a waterfall, then the owl appears again and he accepts to go to his house. He tells him about the Gruffalo, he says that he has “knobbly knees, turn out toes, a poisonous warth and orange eyes” and his favorite food is owl ice cream. The owl gets scared and he flys to his treetop house. He laughs and say, “There’s no such a thing as a Gruffalo”.
He continues and a snake sees him, and he looks delicious. The snake invites him to his log pile house, he knows if he enters to the house, the snake will eat him. He tells about the Gruffalo, the snake asks, “A Gruffalo? What’s a Gruffalo?” and he says “A Gruffalo has a black tongue and purple pickles, and his favorite food is crumbled snake”. The snake gets scared and he goes hide to his log pile house. The mouse laughs and says, “He doesn’t know that there’s no such a thing as a Gruffalo”.
Finally, get it, an enormous figure is in front of him, he sees and the creature has terrible tusks, terrible claws, terrible teeth, terrible jaws, turned out toes, knobbly knees, a poisonous warth, orange eyes, black tongue and purple pickles. He notices that’s a Gruffalo, the Gruffalo sees him and says that the mouse will be delicious with a slide of bread. He begs to not be eaten and tries to scape, but the Gruffalo catches him, he to scared the Gruffalo, tells him that he’s the scariest animal in the forest. The Gruffalo doesn’t believe him, so the tells the Gruffalo to go after him and the Gruffalo accepts.
The snake, the owl and the fox meet and they realized that the mouse lied to them about the Gruffalo. When he arrives into the forest, the snake sees him and behind of the mouse is the Gruffalo, the snake gets scared and hides in his house, the same with the owl and the fox. Finally the mouse eats a nut that he finds.
And remember that intelligence comes before everything.